I want to thank all of you sweet ladies for all of your congratulations and well wishes on my recent engagement. James and I are very happy and very excited. The initial plan was to marry this September but after thinking about things we have much to do before we will be ready to get married so we have postponed the wedding. James has two little girls we must think about and he lives in another town which means he will have to find a job in my town and sell his house. We are hoping to get these things taken care of and save some money before we tie the knot. No matter how long it takes it is worth it to put in the time and effort to plan things out and do them the right way because we love one another so much and we know our love will withstand any amount of time.
I hope you don't mind if I share some purple for Pink Saturday. I have a dear friend named Gina Jones and she has been my dental hygenist and my friend for 10 years. I recently found out (at my last dental checkup) that Gina moved to Houston to be near her family and MD Anderson because she has been diagnosed with sarcoma. I am feeling a lot of sadness for her and her family. She just recently got married and had her first beautiful baby girl named Mallory. Now she is sick and she is struggling. The dental office has a box they ship to her each week or so and if patients want to bring cards and gifts in they will mail it to her.
Then I filled the match box with inspirational items that I thought might make her smile.
I want to thank Beverly for hosting us again for another Pink Saturday celebration. Thank you to all of you sweet ladies for your support and friendship. I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the other pink posts.
Blessings to you!
Love Tammy